Saturday, 2 April 2011

April Artisan Market!

April blessed us with no showers and lovely sunshine, as well as some new, even lovelier stallholders!

Here's a few pictures to illustrate our point:

Portuguese Soul Food and Central Roses

Poco Drom's magical yellow tent!

One from the Artisan Market helicopter...

Unfortunate woman/gazebo fusion

 Balloons and laughter, that's what our Artisan Market's made from

Emma Frances doing some on-the-spot Artisan-ing, artistically captures through an apron, thank you!

Beautiful glass birdies from Robyn Coetzee float prettily at the bottom of the Steps

Robyn Coetzee maybe no relation to the Nobel Prize for Literature winner (or is she?!), but that doesn't matter because her birdies are the bestest.

Margarita peeks out from behind her beautiful hand made children's clothes.

Uzuri natural skincare products packaging up some nourishing loveliness.

Ole Ole, Soul Food, flowers and cobbles - come ahn, what more could you possibly ask for?!