Thursday, 17 February 2011

February 2011 'Heartisan' Market!

The new year of Artisan Markets got off to heart-warming start last Saturday with a special Valentine's Artisan Market!

Cupid must have had a word with Mother Nature because - oh rarities of rarities - it didn't rain, not even a drop!  In fact it felt spring had sprung with blue skies and sunshine for most of the day.  The only downside was some ugly scaffolding on the top part of the Steps which left the pitches up there a extra bit higgidly-piggidly in order to fit around it (and is also why the pictures above are only of the bottom part of the market!).

Looking to March, everyone is now excited about Artisan Market on the 5th and stalls are getting booked up quickly, which means loads more fantastic handmade goods for all you shoppers out there!